This branch has a lot of foliage. Here you will find two full length albums and an ongoing collections of select songs.
This branch has a lot of foliage. Here you will find two full length albums and an ongoing collections of select songs.
This branch has a lot of foliage. Here you will find two full length albums and an ongoing collections of select songs.

"Break free of your routine.
Let go and take control..."
- Skeleton Key, +ck
Below you will find a view music videos, as well as some commercial spots I have done.
(Official Music Video)
My first attempt at stop-motion animation. This video is the second track on my second album titled Autopilot Disengaged. This solo video was created intermittently over a span of 10 months, after sitting on the idea for two years. Shot on an iPhone 6+, with some behind the scenes shot with a GoPro, animated in Adobe Premiere.
"Skeleton Key"
(Official Music Video)
Skeleton Key, a track off the album Autopilot Disengaged by Craig Kotfas. Working alone and with only a demo of the song, I shot this a few years back, in one night with a flip camera and a borrowed projector. The cardboard ACL stage was created a few nights before. The footage was then edited together by my brother Chris. The video was shelved for a couple years until the album was complete and released.
"Skeleton Key" (Official Music Video)
My friend Jason Vines, a great special effects/makeup artist was planing to do his 3rd annual BLOODY BALLOON BATTLE. It was his biggest yet, consisting of over 5K balloons hand-filled with a home made recipe of fake blood. This event is where the Austin Improv Community gathers together in a public park in Austin, wearing white and smiles. I called and asked if I could piggyback his event by making a music video, and he graciously agreed. I selected a song from my album Autopilot Disengaged and went to work. I knew I had only one take to do this, so I choose the song SHADOW YOU CAST and sped it up 200%. With help of several friends with cameras, we set up 6 or 7 angles and pushed record. I wore earbuds which played the sped up song and played along. I slowed the footage 50% in post to sync things up. We had one take that lasted about 4:30 minutes... We were soaked to the bone with joy.
(Official Music Video)
From the album "Autopilot Disengaged", this was shot in the wee hours of a May Saturday, that featured a pleasant thunderstorm. Shot on a flipcamera in one take from beyond my garage.
"Either Aura"
(Official Music Video)
Old classic video, when I first experimented with projectors. Shot in one take, who can see how I get a handle on the concept. By the third verse, I better understand at what length the mouth should open. It was a test, that stuck around.
Karbach Hopadillo
“We Created a Monster”
Award winning commercial from Guerilla Suit/Ariel Quintans, where I got to play a detective tracking down one delicious monster.
"Untrained Spy" - Hydrive Energy Drink
These three are a campaign for HYDRIVE Energy Water. Along with the great David Lee Hess, I got to play the THE UNTRAINED SPY. These were fun and created by the very talented folks at BeefandSage.com.
"DOODLE JUMP" for Xbox Kinect
Another Beef and Sage production.
We had to pick up the popcorn over and over and over.
"Vacation Intervention"
Fun spot, shot with a great cast and crew. I got to drive around a quiet neighborhood for several hours in a disguise... no doubt raising suspicion among the neighbors.